Friday, September 30, 2005

Good Shabbos...

Wishing you all a great shabbos.
and a great year...

ksivah vachasimah tova...

I hope your all going to forgive me for whatever it is that you should forgive me for...

I'm heading off to Colorado springs (Colorado) for rosh hashnah and yom kippur (and the days in between) -where are you going to be??

Montreal QC

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shluchim Samech Vav Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

just think

how many of us on this blogger think we will have time on shlichus to sit and to continue using the blogger on a daily basis? (yossi with all credit).
please post your comments

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


if anyone wants to be a chazan for rosh hashana and yom kippur for $800 usd plus airfair and a car call (in san diego) call dudi nussbaum

if you want to go to colorado springs (you dont have to be chazan all you have to do is be there) call me



to the shluchim Jr. (sheyichye) i have sent an E-Mail asking you to send me your name, username, Display name, email address please respond A.S.A.P. so that i can make a list of all the users of this blog and that everyone can know who their dealing with as the sages say "Da meyayin bahsah" (lit. know fromn where it came)

Thank You.

Montreal QC
IY"H the Wenger approved shlichus list will be coming out today.
For the Pirsum Rishon check out Letters of thought later today.
(It will be on shmais some time after that)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr. Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, the only qualification for membership of which was a high IQ. The original aims were, as they are today, to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or religious distinctions. The society welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population, with the objective of enjoying each other"s company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities.
It doesn't mention how they got the name Mensa, so I'm not sure if it stands for anything, but it does mean table in Latin.
Abiton is going to Sydney.
Stay tuned for more on Shlichus from me . . .

Thursday, September 15, 2005


  1. I have installed a stat counter on the blog. scroll down to the bottom of the page for the link (i left unlocked so all can se the full stat's)
  2. Please sign of at the botom of your post with your name and location so that all can keap track of who you are and where you are

thank you

-the managment
From 770...

where is the answer

I don't know, but this year it is taking just way to long for every thing to be final. we should have had all these problems taken care of a month ago.
good luck

Shlichus List

Here is the comprehensive shluchim list from Montreal (albeit unofficial):

South Africa (first b/c that's where I'm going!):

  • Avi Gniwisch, Yossi Gansbourg, Yankee denberg

Budapest Hungary:

  • Dovber Ducks

Melbourne Aus:

  • Shimon Rivkin, Yaakov Chaiton

Warsaw Poland:

  • Zalmy Hilel, Shmuli Hecht, Mordechai Lightstone, Chaim Van-Halem, Zalmen Zarchi, Naftoli Shmukler, Yehuda E. Winterfield, Yankel Adler, Getzy Markowitz (unconfirmed reports that getzy is going to Hong Kong).


  • Yisroel Seraff, Chalom Loeub

Sydney Aus:
  • Mendy Wiess, Chaim Litvin, (maybe more)

Toronto ON Ca:

  • Shmuli Zirkind, Yanky Rubinson, (maybe Uri Cohen)

Chicago IL USA:

  • Shmuli Shneur, Shalom Y. Kramer, Sholom B. Cietlin , Medny Zayac.

Tzvas Eretz Hakodesh (eer hakodesh):

  • Dovid S. Nussbaum, Mendel Plotke, Chaim Y. Friedman (?)

Buenos Aires Argentina:

  • Chaim Zaetz, Tzvi H. Altien, Dovber Blau.

Miami-South Beach:

  • Efraim Carlebach, Yisroel Abramson.

Tuscon AZ USA:

  • Zali Lurie, Shua Einbinder.

(Zhitomer: Shmuel Chatzkelovitch??)

i hope this is accurate. if not feel free to post otherwise.

If Anyone has the Shluchim picture can you please post it (i lost mine)

Montreal QC.

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