Thursday, September 15, 2005


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-the managment
From 770...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do apologize for infringing on your religious freedoms but as all can see you discard freedom of religion in the very substance of your screen-name. As I’m sure you are well aware Allah although Arabic, translates to G-D in English.

As the great Wiki puts it ( “The word Allah is the Arabic term for "God". It is ultimately derived (according to most etymologists) from Proto-Semitic ʾil-, as is Hebrew El. The word Allah is traditionally used by Muslims, but it is not used in Islam exclusively; Arab Christians and Arab Jews also use it to refer to the monotheist deity.”

So if in fact you are woried about religios freedom why do you show such uter disrespect in your screen name for Allah the core “being” of some of the worlds formost religions. Aswell as might I say the worlds only true religion (the i.e. the jewish one)

Now if you have a problem identifieng yourself in a way that those with an IQ high enough can figure out (which I would agree, you have already done) I have no problem with that but I would recommend that you don’t do so on religious pretext. (because that would seem somewhat hypocritical!)

Now either you change your case or “un-damn Allah”

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 you yourself say that “Allah is a word which in itself can refer to Elokim the jewish omnipotent g-d” if you were to say Allah in the context of Islam then you would have an arguable case. The difficulty is, your screen name is just Allah-be-damned with no reference to the fact that you may not be referring to the g-d of the Jews (or some other faith) that you so beautifully said may be called with the term Allah.

#2 “WILL DO RESEARCH LATER” is not an answer. Considering that it would seem most likely that Islam is in fact not idol worship based on my research. As the great Wiki puts it. Islam: “the submission to God” is a monotheistic faith,”

2:30 AM  
Blogger Mottel said...

I did read it in the Ragatshuvi, but since I read at least half of the sefer in a two day period it's hard for me to remember where it is, and with out a mafteiach inyunim (which it lacks) I don't have time to look through it now.

2:26 AM  
Blogger Mottel said...

I'll explain . . . islam is zicher an avoidah zarah for yidden, but for goyim it is a better choice then x-tianity (though still not as good as 7 mitzvos, k'muvin)therefore even though one may not go into there mosques (according to you, I still remember hearing the opposite, but with out a makor on hand we'll say that you're right)one still must right Al-h, just as one may not go into a cloister but still must right G-d, despite the fact that to the goyim it refers to shituf etc. r"l.
What you looking for is in the end of hilchos m'lachim when the Rambam rights about moshiach etc.

2:32 AM  

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