Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The rebbe's shluchim reaching across the globe
I would like to take the time to share a story with everyone
this Friday on mivtzoim I met an Israeli man who asked me were he could buy kosher food for shabbos. After I told him what he wanted to know I invited him to the shabbos mvarchim farbrengehn that mendy and I were making in the chabad house. I also told him the times of davening and the shiur before mincha on a sicho given by habochur hashliach chaim litvin. Anyway he came to mincha shabbos and we farbrenged it turns out that this guy is a doctor who lived in Singapore for the past five years and he said that habochur hashliach cholom loube is the happiest man in Singapore always with a joke or a kind word and a vort on the parsha.
with this said I would like to congratulate all the shluchim of the world at large for all their hard work and chasidishkiet like we see from this weeks parsha toldos that starts aileh toldos yitzchok which is similar to a month ago parshas noach aileh toldos noach why there is it noach and here toldos the answer my friends is shlichus nairos lehair the ikur toldos are those of yitzchok following in his ways lighting the path for world jewry with happiness {yitzchok lashon tzachok laugh} and joy unlike noach wich is a loshon of resting. May we merit to bring moshiach speedily in our days!!Amen.
this Friday on mivtzoim I met an Israeli man who asked me were he could buy kosher food for shabbos. After I told him what he wanted to know I invited him to the shabbos mvarchim farbrengehn that mendy and I were making in the chabad house. I also told him the times of davening and the shiur before mincha on a sicho given by habochur hashliach chaim litvin. Anyway he came to mincha shabbos and we farbrenged it turns out that this guy is a doctor who lived in Singapore for the past five years and he said that habochur hashliach cholom loube is the happiest man in Singapore always with a joke or a kind word and a vort on the parsha.
with this said I would like to congratulate all the shluchim of the world at large for all their hard work and chasidishkiet like we see from this weeks parsha toldos that starts aileh toldos yitzchok which is similar to a month ago parshas noach aileh toldos noach why there is it noach and here toldos the answer my friends is shlichus nairos lehair the ikur toldos are those of yitzchok following in his ways lighting the path for world jewry with happiness {yitzchok lashon tzachok laugh} and joy unlike noach wich is a loshon of resting. May we merit to bring moshiach speedily in our days!!Amen.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
krav maga
This evening 9 bochurim hashluchim went to a krav maga course held in the south head shull the instructors were CSG {community security group} which is the Australian security for the shulls and they arranged the course

here is ezzy punching the instructor

and here is me doing the same

and here is mendy enjoying himself
after the course we had a farbrengen for shmuli davidoffs birthday mazeltov mazeltov

here is ezzy punching the instructor

and here is me doing the same

and here is mendy enjoying himself
after the course we had a farbrengen for shmuli davidoffs birthday mazeltov mazeltov
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hello from Africa
Hey i just got my first chance to post from SA chek it out on my blog @
my number is 011.2772.238.9673
South Africa
my number is 011.2772.238.9673
South Africa
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
just a reminder
last year as we all know there was alot of sleeping in zal if you disagree look at the pics they speak for me anyway this issue was farbrenged over and it was decided that bochurim sleep and waste time in yehivah because there is nothing else to do but now that we are all shluchim we should do more learning teaching and mivtzoim
here is someone wasting time there are many more like this
let us please spread yidishket and the rebbes inyonim and bring moshiach now
{please excuse any informalatis as it s right after the farbrengehn}
gut shabbos

here is someone wasting time there are many more like this
let us please spread yidishket and the rebbes inyonim and bring moshiach now
{please excuse any informalatis as it s right after the farbrengehn}
gut shabbos
bochurim hashluchim of sydney australia
today the talmidim hashluchim had an amazing farbrengen with rabbi majesky who was one of the bochurim in the first kvutza of shluchim bechlal which was to australia and relayed many stories and yichidusin ect from those times and explained our responsibiliy as shluchim and our responsibility to bring moshiach
here are some pics from the farbrengen
this is the rabbi fargrenging
here is a pic of most of the bochurim by the farbrengen{i took it so iam not in the pic}
on the left is rabbi majesky in the middle standing is rabbi kaye our shoel umaishaiv slash mashgiach and on the right is harav yosef feldman our esteemed rosh yeshivah magid shiur menahel hagashmy ect.
here are some pics from the farbrengen

this is the rabbi fargrenging

here is a pic of most of the bochurim by the farbrengen{i took it so iam not in the pic}

on the left is rabbi majesky in the middle standing is rabbi kaye our shoel umaishaiv slash mashgiach and on the right is harav yosef feldman our esteemed rosh yeshivah magid shiur menahel hagashmy ect.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Al Pi bakashas rabbim I'm putting a copy of two of the aritcles I wrote on my own blog for the whole Shluchim Samech Vav crowd to enjoy.

Me . . . Polish style
Proze (Prozhe as in the Zh of gezhe)
It was my Birthday yesterday -as I'm sure you all know and have already sent out you gifts- and we made a Farbrengen last night with R' Zalmen Stambler.
Among other things that were said I'll mention one:
We arrived Parshas Noach -where Hashem tells Noach "Tzei min hateiva" ("Go out of the ark"). That we did, we left yeshiva, as it were, to go on shlichus and become "involved" in the world -tzu tun mit nach a Yidden. If so, fregt zich the sha'alo, what more do I need tgo do? I went out, I went on a shlichus -Ich bin shoin gantz. That's why it's parshas Lech Lecha, we need to go deeper, to leave our habbits, to be ibergegeben tzum Rebben -an eved's whole goal is to give nachas to his master.

The Farbrengen is underway

The cake that Sholom Ber got me

We went to (Jewish) Cemetery yesterday, it's only a few minutes away from us, but it feels like it's years back in time.
The Germans left it (almost) untouched, Izhe explained, the two of the most probable reasons being that either they wanted to save it for their (in)famous "Museum . . ." or that they wanted to show the world that they weren't so bad -why hey, they left the world famous Warsaw Cemetery in tact.
The place is huge, there are around 250,000 people buried their -that's a quarter of a million! It's relatively new as cemeteries go, only about 200 years old, but in it rest many famous people.

list of names of Tzaddikim interred here including Reb. Chaim Brisker, the son of the Apter Rav and more.

mass grave memorial
The site of the mass graves from Ghetto sent chills down my spine. There were so many people dieing that there was no time for them to be buried properly, therefore they were put in a large mass grave, there are approx. 10,000 people there! Hashem yekum Damum

17 bones of people who died in the Ghetto found at some later date and brought to "kever Yisroel"

Me . . . Polish style

Proze (Prozhe as in the Zh of gezhe)
It was my Birthday yesterday -as I'm sure you all know and have already sent out you gifts- and we made a Farbrengen last night with R' Zalmen Stambler.
Among other things that were said I'll mention one:
We arrived Parshas Noach -where Hashem tells Noach "Tzei min hateiva" ("Go out of the ark"). That we did, we left yeshiva, as it were, to go on shlichus and become "involved" in the world -tzu tun mit nach a Yidden. If so, fregt zich the sha'alo, what more do I need tgo do? I went out, I went on a shlichus -Ich bin shoin gantz. That's why it's parshas Lech Lecha, we need to go deeper, to leave our habbits, to be ibergegeben tzum Rebben -an eved's whole goal is to give nachas to his master.

The Farbrengen is underway

The cake that Sholom Ber got me

We went to (Jewish) Cemetery yesterday, it's only a few minutes away from us, but it feels like it's years back in time.

The Germans left it (almost) untouched, Izhe explained, the two of the most probable reasons being that either they wanted to save it for their (in)famous "Museum . . ." or that they wanted to show the world that they weren't so bad -why hey, they left the world famous Warsaw Cemetery in tact.
The place is huge, there are around 250,000 people buried their -that's a quarter of a million! It's relatively new as cemeteries go, only about 200 years old, but in it rest many famous people.

list of names of Tzaddikim interred here including Reb. Chaim Brisker, the son of the Apter Rav and more.

mass grave memorial

The site of the mass graves from Ghetto sent chills down my spine. There were so many people dieing that there was no time for them to be buried properly, therefore they were put in a large mass grave, there are approx. 10,000 people there! Hashem yekum Damum

17 bones of people who died in the Ghetto found at some later date and brought to "kever Yisroel"

It's 3:41am and i still have to Finnish packing but being that i don't know when i will have my next opportunity to use the net i have to get this post out...
Tomorrow I'll be leaving from Montreal and heading to South Africa via New York/the Ohel to fulfill my shlichus (and part of the reason i came to this world).
I thank you all for keeping in touch (albeit a one way touch sometimes) and i say Good Bye and Good Luck to all.
I of-course plan on keeping the world updated throughout my travels and hopefully we will have sufficient bandwidth to do so.
to those of you i didn't have a chance tell you good bye personally, feel bad -it was on purpose! (lol).
Still in Montreal...
But the way out.
Tomorrow I'll be leaving from Montreal and heading to South Africa via New York/the Ohel to fulfill my shlichus (and part of the reason i came to this world).
I thank you all for keeping in touch (albeit a one way touch sometimes) and i say Good Bye and Good Luck to all.
I of-course plan on keeping the world updated throughout my travels and hopefully we will have sufficient bandwidth to do so.
to those of you i didn't have a chance tell you good bye personally, feel bad -it was on purpose! (lol).
Still in Montreal...
But the way out.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Baruch Hashem, after tireless effort from my dear and beloved friend, Hatomim Hashliach Shneor Zalmen Hacohen Zarchi, we now have a VoIP phone. That's right, a call to Warsaw is now as easy as calling Tante Shprintza in Con Tziva.
(718) 301-6845

Learning Inyunie Geula and Moshiach

Farbunden tzum Rebben w/Wi-fi
(718) 301-6845

Learning Inyunie Geula and Moshiach

Farbunden tzum Rebben w/Wi-fi